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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Follow Friend Friday

Welcome to the Follow Friend Friday Link Up PAR-TAY! This blog hop goes down EVERY Friday @ Glam Hungry Mom & ABpetite.

We invite you to add yourself and your fav bloggers of the week. Just make sure you let them know you've submitted them! This is the best way to meet new bloggers in a HUGE way. I mean the link up IS all of everyone's faves. That means this collection hosts the best of the best blogs. Am I wrong?? Now let's get to it and party on..

Rules are as simple as pie:

1. Follow your hosts via GFC (Glam Hungry Mom & ABpetite)

2. Link up yourself and your friends below using your main blog url not a specific post.

3. Check out the other submitted links to make new bloggy friends. Feel free to leave them a comment that you found them through Follow Friend Friday.

4. SHARE about this Hop with Twitter and Facebook

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Don't forget to check out My Recipe Box to get all the best Super Bowl food ideas!
Glam Hungry Mom

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Frozen Fruit Desserts & How I Ruined My Sons Life

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You know when dinner is over and you just REALLY want something sweet but NOT bad for you cause you have been awesome at eating right all day? Well this treat will trick you brain and you taste buds and satisfy well it did for me anyways. Oh and did I mention it is soo easy!

A couple weekends ago Dylan and I were taking a bath together. {This is so off subject but I had to share} KJ was watching TV. The curtain was shut and he cracks it open, shuts it and starts yelling at us "You guys are taking a bath TOGETHER??!!" "What is wrong with you guys??!!" "You guys are seriously disgusting!!" For the remaining two hours of the night before he went to bed. The next day was Sunday where my mom stopped by and he told her about the story.. the Monday he told the babysitter the story.. This went on and on and you can imagine how embarrassed I was! Not Dylan though now Dylan uses it against him when he acts up.. KJ doesn't do something we ask Dylan hits him with a "Hey babe will you go start the bath so we can take one together?" KJ runs and does whatever it is he wasn't doing before while running he screams "You guys are disgusting!!!" "Don't start that bath!!" So the lesson I learned here is that at 7 years old they are at a fragile little state and you gotta watch your moves. AND you need to take your baths together when the midgets go to bed haha. Sorry KJ! Haha

Do you have any stories like this to share so that I feel better??


Servings: 4
Serving Size: 3/4 cup
Calories: 124
Fat: 5 g
Carbs: 19 g
Fiber: 2.5 g
Protein: 2.5 g
Points+: 3
Old Points: 3

What YOU Need:
2 cups strawberry Greek Yogurt
2 cups red grapes
1 cup blueberries

Wash fruit. In medium mixing bowl add fruit and yogurt together and mix thouroughly. Disperse mixture into 4 individual cups. Put in freezer for 2-3 hours until frozen.

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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Hair Tutorial - Quick Updo {Take 1}

I am switchin' up the blog today guys, you can just let me know after this post if I should never do this again but I thought it would be a fun change. Yesterday I wore my hair like this {see picture below} to work because it snowed a foot here and I needed to rush out the door. The crazy thing was was that seriously everyone was complementing on my hair ALL DAY! Even people I didn't know on the street! So I thought I would share these 5 easy steps to take to get this look. It literally takes about 5 minutes or less to whip this baby out!

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What do ya think?? Would you give this style a try?

Monday, January 28, 2013

Pizza Sandwich {Quick Lunch Idea}

At our house we call these Pizza Sandwich's and you may or may not agree with the name but we feel like they taste exactly like Papa Murphy's Gourmet Chicken and Garlic Pizza. Haha, if you have tried this pizza and make these sandwiches after you get the recipe you HAVE to tell me if you agree with this statement or not. It will blow your mind cause the two do not even have the same ingredients.. Besides all of that I thought we could all use a quick and healthy lunch idea to get back into our bikini bods. Here she is!

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Servings: 1
Serving Size: 1 sandwich
Calories: 397
Fat: 24.4 g
Carbs: 29 g
Fiber: 6.9 g
Protein: 19.6 g
Points+: 9
Old Points: 8

Whats Needed:
1 wheat sandwich thin
2 tablespoons zesty italian dressing
1/2 tomato
3 slices avocado
4 slices turkey deli meat
1 slice onion
1 slice mozzarella cheese

Get bagel and spread 1 tablespoon dressing on each side. Slice avocado, onion and tomato. Add sliced ingredients plus turkey to sandwich.

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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Definition of ABpetite/ Genious Bloggers With Damn Good Creativity

So just to set the record straight many of ya'lls have been asking how you say the name of my blog and this is gonna help ya a bit {I hope}. Haha also thought I would add the dictionary version of what it means, just to be a smart ass..

Warning: I was on a rampage here of swearing {nothing bad PG13 sh** but just FYI in advance} so for baby eyes stop reading now.

 So here are some chicks that know what the hell they are doing! Enough of just brushing this under the rug someone needs to type this out and I guess its gonna be me.. These damn chicks and there damn awesome blogs with there damn awesome/creative blog names. Damn you! Your brilliant! SO here is the listy..

Here is my list:

Wifessionals - She is such a cute wife and such a great professional! Put them together and what do you got?? Bippity Boppity Boo? Or the perfect blog name - Wifessionals!

I Wore Yoga Pants to Work - catchy? I think so! Who could forget that?

Eat Yourself Skinny - Duh! Why didn't I think of this one? Oh ya cause I am not anywhere near as brilliant as Kelly! Maybe one day? Nah but I will keep on day dreaming about it :)

Messy Dirty Hair - Such a great title for Ms. Kelly she embraces the mess while looking stunning how does she do it? We will never know. Perfect name for her blog? YUP!

Don't Quote The Raven - Duh I mean this one is way to damn good.. nuff said! Her name is Raven and she has lots of bad ass stuff to say that will make you wet your pants laughing so hard. Even if you did quote her it wouldn't be funny coming out of YOUR mouth. Trust me I have tried it! No one laughed..

 Please feel free to extend who YOU think needs to be on this list of awesomeness.

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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Follow Friend Friday

Welcome to the Follow Friend Friday Link Up PAR-TAY! This blog hop goes down EVERY Friday @ Glam Hungry Mom & ABpetite.

We invite you to add yourself and your fav bloggers of the week. Just make sure you let them know you've submitted them! This is the best way to meet new bloggers in a HUGE way. I mean the link up IS all of everyone's faves. That means this collection hosts the best of the best blogs. Am I wrong?? Now let's get to it and party on..

Rules are as simple as pie:

1. Follow your hosts via GFC (Glam Hungry Mom & ABpetite)

2. Link up yourself and your friends below using your main blog url not a specific post.

3. Check out the other submitted links to make new bloggy friends. Feel free to leave them a comment that you found them through Follow Friend Friday.

4. SHARE about this Hop with Twitter and Facebook

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Glam Hungry Mom

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Chicken Fajita Bites & Goals

So I had a little get together with the fam and made these awesome Chicken Fajita Bites! They were super tasty! I was thinking they would be AWESOME for the


 I got the recipe from the Pampered Chef Cook Book that my dads cute girlfriend Jo gave me as a house warming present. It has lots of healthy recipes that have been bomb town I will be sure to share more of them. 

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Servings: 24
Serving Size: 1 wedge
Calories: 50
Fat: 1.5 g
Carbs: 3 g
Fiber: 1 g
Protein: 5 g
Points+: 1
Old Points: 1

What You Need:
4 medium bell peppers, any color
3 green onions
1/2 cup fresh cilantro
4 ounces part skim mozzarella cheese
2 cups finely sliced chicken breasts
1/3 cup fat free mayo
2 teaspoons chili pepper
1/2 cup fat free sour cream

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Cup off tops of peppers and scoop out seeds. Cut to make wedges. Finely chop green onions and cilantro. Mix half the onion mixture and half of the cheese , chicken, chili pepper and mayo. Blog excess moisture from peppers with paper towels. Scoop sauce into peppers. Sprinkle peppers with remaining cheese. Bake for 5-7 minutes. Remove from oven. Dabble sour cream on top of each pepper.


Because of my New Years Check Myself List check it out here I have been really working on my goals that I set for myself and here are some pictures to show you how I have been doing that... Check out these icicles! They are even larger now! These bad boys are right outside KJ's window. This is me Recognizing the little things..

Again with the recognize the little things..
This gift was from my friend Katherine @ The Real Food Runner! You need to stop by her blog and check it out if you haven't already been following her. She was doing a giveaway and I WON! Thanks Katherine for the awesome stuff! Don't take offense to me calling this a "little" thing it wasn't little if you would have seen my face when I opened my package and read the cute card she sent. It was a "huge" smile!

Livin' in the moment..
This picture was KJ and I playing "roseria" as he calls it.. I was doing laundry and he insisted we put undies on our head and run around our house playing tag and when you get tagged you scream roseria! Not sure where he came up with this but it was super fun. Yes I am wearing a green thong that is CLEAN okay no worries. In the great words of the gingerbread man from Shrek "It's a thong"!

Living in the moment watching KJ roll down our hill in the snow.

Living in the moment watching my sweet son take a nap on the floor after making cake pops all day one Saturday. Obviously next week I will be working more on making my own happiness, being more crafty, and staying positive. So thankful for my New Years Check Myself List it has been an eye opener!

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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Stew Casserole

Pin It What is better on a cold winter day then some stew? The tender beef, perfectly crunched veggies, with a ton of juicy flavor will have your mouth watering I just know it! Serve this with a slice of french bread and your family will remember why they love you so much! This recipe freezes very well so don't be afraid to double it up and freeze some for another cold day.
How has your weather been there? Our weather here in Salt Lake City, Utah has been FREEZING! About 10-15 degrees on average during the day! So this recipe was perfect.


Servings: 6-8
Serving Size: 1 cup
Calories: 300
Fat: 8 g
Carbs: 31 g
Fiber: 5 g
Protein: 25 g
Points+: 6
Old Points: 7

What YOU Need:
Recipe Adapted From Taste of Home
1 can diced tomatoes (Mexican Style)
1 cup water
3 tablespoons beef broth - low sodium
1 1/2 teaspoon salt
pepper to taste
2 pounds beef stew meat
6-8 small red potatoes
4 medium carrots
2 celery stocks
1/2 red onion

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Cut and dice ingredients. Greese a cassorole dish. Add ingredients. Bake in oven for 2 hours.
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