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Friday, August 24, 2012

Today's Fitness!!

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Happy Friday friends!! Well if your a regular on my page you know that Friday's were generally Blog Hop Recipe Swaps NO LONGER! Sorry if this is disappointing to some Ellen @ Ellen B Cookery and I decided that this was not working as we expected so we are no longer doing this. NOW Friday's on my page are going to be FITNESS FRIDAY'S! So every Friday I will be posting a work out that I expect you do get done before the weekend is over.. Do you think you can handle this?
Well today's Fitness Friday is a Tempo Run I am sure lots of you have heard of these maybe some of you haven't ever done one though? This is a great way to build up your speed and endurance without killing yourself. I HIGHLY recommend that you give the Tempo Run a shot. The Tempo I posted will take you a half hour but it should get you to nearly 3 miles when your done and look at it your walking for 11 minutes of it. Whoop whoop!
I hope you try this and get involved with Fitness Friday! I think this is going to be more fun than the Blog Hops :).



  1. Yay!!! Today's fitness is a GREAT idea!!!!
    I'm excited! Also thanks for sharing this workout!
    I haven't tried tempo running yet!

  2. You are gonna love it miss fitness chick!! let me know!

  3. This sounds like fun! I think I'll put on my runners and off I go. Thanks for inspiration :)

  4. Looks fun!I haven't triend it yet. Maybe this weekend, it's gonna be sunny :)Meriem

  5. Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog earlier, nice to meet you :o) As you're a no-reply blogger I hope you don't mind me replying here! Might have to come back tomorrow and check out some recipes :o)

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog :) Newest follower! I was also going to say that you showed up as a no-reply blogger so I couldn't email you back. You can change this by following these steps: http://www.elopingstethoscope.com/2012/07/no-reply-bloggers-i-got-ya-covered.html

  7. Hi~ I'll be a Tempo Run neophyte (with a bad knee to boot!) but even though I will need to modify some things a little, I'll be participating in your Friday workouts as much as I can. They are a great idea! I enjoy your AB Petite recipes too and use them with real success, so here's to getting fitter via exercise as well as what I eat. Thanks from Thornhill, Ontario Canada for sharing what you know! mb

  8. Hi Ashlee... Thanks for visiting my blog...I love yours the recipes are great...I am always looking for some healthy ones... Have a good one..
    Peace :)

  9. I love this idea! I just found out that I can't do long distance running for a while because of a little tendonitis so I've been looking for work-out inspiration! Thanks!

  10. Hey there! What a great idea! A great way to stay fit is to have friend who support and encourage. So happy to have met you!!


  11. I love your blog
    I followed u on GFC. Follow back?

  12. Hi Ashlee, thanks for sharing the tempo run. Sound fun and great. Will give it a try.
    I used to run on treadmill alternate with skipping. But I do my weight lifting daily to tone my muscle.

    Have a nice week ahead.

  13. 4038BAFCE3Jaliyah4919E3D508October 11, 2024 at 6:58 PM

    ucretli show


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