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Monday, July 30, 2012

Peach Pastries

Hey friends and Happy Monday! Hope you guys had a great weekend! This weekend my mom, aunt, and I all went to the local farmers market and it was a blast. My mom bought these AWESOME peaches that were to die for. My aunt (Hi Brenda) and I were contemplating what I could make for the blog with these yummies and I think we came up with quite the treat!

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Servings: 6 
Serving Size: 1 Pastry
Calories: 150
Fat: 5 g
Carbs: 21.5 g
Fiber: 2.4 g
Protein: 3.8 g
Points+: 4


Here Are Your Ingredients:

1 Cup Whole Wheat Flour
1/2 Cup White Flour
4 Tablespoons Butter - light
2 Ounces Cream Cheese - low fat
+ Additional 6 Tablespoons Cream Cheese - low fat (per pastry)
2 Whole Large Peaches
6 Tablespoons Honey - natural
1/4 Cup Water - ice cold

In a medium mixing bowl add flour, butter, cream cheese, and water. Beat together with electric beater until well mixed; with hands, roll into ball. Sprinkle a touch of flour on counter and place ball of dough on flour. Pull apart 6 equal pieces of dough. Roll out each with rolling pin quite thin (to make equal sized pastries). Put one pastry on pan or cookie sheet (whatever YOU like to call it) at a time. Cut up one peach into small square pieces and the other into thin slices (slices go on top of pastry like you see above). Spread 1 tablespoon of cream cheese in middle of each pastry and add 1/6 of the diced, square peaches in the middle. Roll sides into each other and flip to other side. Add 1-6 (about 2) peaches on top along with 1 tablespoon of honey. Bake at 400 degrees for 30 minutes until golden brown. Now who says you can't eat a pastry on a diet??
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Bon ABpetit!



  1. Yum these look so good! They would be perfect with a cup of tea!

  2. So crazy I went to the farmers market too! HAHA they didn't have peaches but I might need to get some because this recipe looks delish! And I can't wait to Blog Hop Friday all about chicken!!! :)

  3. Those look so good! What a great idea for the end of the season peaches!

  4. i LOVE fresh peaches and can't get enough of them during the summer time. thanks for the recipe these pastries look great

  5. Oh my goodness! These are to die for! I love the originality of this recipe!

  6. Thanks all of you guys you are the best! Dont tell but thats what I had for lunch today haha LOVE

  7. Aww these look great :) i'm a vegetarian, so sad i won't be able to do this weeks blog hop, maybe i'll make something for my family so i can join in too :D

  8. Yeah! I knew you would come up with something great! All my peaches are gone :( I will be buying more tho--gotta try this recipe, it looks so yummy.

  9. It looks so good! I think we have one in my town but it is just too hot to be outside in July...


    Fashion and Beauty Finds

  10. Oh man, those look good!!! Makes me want some for breakfast. Thanks for the recipe. : )

  11. My friends at work tried these and they suggest putting MORE PEACHES in the middle of them :) just a tip for everyone who decides to try these!

    1. I think they look perfect as is! Great Blog Hop Recipe Swap!


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