DASH Interiors

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The REAL Green Salad

K ladies and gents we are SO close to summer so lets not forget to eat some light and healthy food! So I was trying to think of a salad that would be good for you and MOST importantly TASTY! Hopefully this will both satisfy your cravings AND get us into that swimsuit and mini short shape we need and WANT to be in!


Servings: 4
Serving Size: 1/4 Salad
Calories: 100
Fat: 4 g
Carbs: 14 g
Fiber: 3.75
Protein: 4.5 g
Points+: 3

Here are your ingredients:

1 Head of Broccoli
1 Zucchini
1 Cup Red Grapes
2 Spears of Celery
1/2 Can of Lite Coconut Milk
2 Packets Splenda
Raw Sliced Almonds
1/4 Cup of Grated Coconut

Dice up all the veggies. Mix together the milk, splenda, and coconut. Put all ingredients in a large bowl mix together sprinkle almonds on top and let sit in the fridge overnight. Gotta have those light meals so you can drink that wine :).

Bon ABpetite!

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